Ellipsis Drive is here
for spatial data
worth sharing
Enabling a world where all you need to exchange, view and
use spatial content, is a browser and a link

- 500+
Data Products - Delivered with Ellipsis Drive
- 3000+
Users - Consuming spatial content via Ellipsis Drive
- 600+
Projects - Completed using Ellipsis Drive

Our purpose
We aim to make spatial data consumable for everyone
Empowering the industry and advancing your business goals
Enable data sharing and collaboration without limits
Never impose ‘by seat’ or ‘by action’ fees that make data sharing and using expensive.
Safeguard platform independence
Maximizing interoperability is at the center of what we do. That’s how you stay relevant.
Introduce ‘the Drive experience’ to the spatial industry
Enable cloud activation, share your data in minutes, work together in real-time.
Create value for people with data worth sharing
Be the most value added place to activate spatial data that needs to be used.
Every story is unique and worth sharing
Ellipsis Drive is here for spatial data worth sharing. We are an organization that is passionate about the geospatial industry. We endeavor to harness this passion for the betterment of this exciting space and all the markets it impacts. As a young organization, we also have our own unique story that has made us into who we are today. And we decided to use our platform to share that story with the world. Because every story is unique and is worth sharing. And we are no exception!
Read our story